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Stadium Re-Dev Fund Objectives

Barton Stadium Re-Development Fund



Since the launch of the Barton Stadium Re-Development Fund, in January 2009, as responsible directors, my colleagues and I have reviewed and refined our objectives in what we believe are the best interests of the Football Club.


The Barton Stadium Re-Development Fund is, and will continue to be, a long standing project, to improve existing facilities at the ground, and to introduce additional facilities, to enable more people to become involved. The main problem for the Club is the lack of resources; gates even in the good times are not large, and sponsorships vary particularly in times of recession like now. We survive therefore on income from the Social Club, and private donations, which is hardly a recipe for future success. The key project for the long term therefore centres on the creation of the two all weather pitches, for 5/7 aside football, which once one stream, will generate income to provide greater revenue for the Football Club, and fund future improvements to the ground, without the constant need for us to go ‘cap in hand’ appealing, often unsuccessfully, for public contributions.


Of course, in the meanwhile, we still need to address any necessary maintenance to the ground in order to keep it operational for our immediate needs, e.g. the floodlight improvements for the new season. It is rather like playing ‘Pool;’ one has to play what is in front of you on the table at any one time, but in order to win the game completely, always keep one eye on the ‘8-ball.’


The plan is to site the all weather pitches on land on Wharton Rec., immediately adjacent to the Football Club. The best costing we have received for this work is £175,000 of which we would expect to receive 2/3rds by way of funding, leaving the Fund to find approx. £60,000. Still a large sum, but eminently more do-able than the £200k plus we talked about earlier in the year. Of course, we still hear many voices expressing the view that we will never do it, but where there is a will, there is also a way. No one can say when, or from where the breakthrough will come, but we will pursue every avenue, and remain alert to the chance when it arrives. We are setting no timescale, but will maintain our focus on that objective, channelling all monies we receive towards that end which, once achieved will change the profile of Winsford United FC for ever. To be able to provide the Club with a regular sound income stream, on which it can confidently plan for the future, would surely be almost on a par with the gift of the ground in 1938, by Mr. R.G. Barton, as regards our long term security. At a conservative estimate, we believe that revenue from those pitches would generate sufficient income to repay the initial investment by the Fund, in less than one year, providing the impetus to move forward to the other ground improvements already identified, and also provide more funds for the team to progress to higher levels of the Football Pyramid.


No one is promising this will be an easy thing to do, but then if you want easy, you don’t get involved in non-league football – it is a passion, not a sensible career move. I make no apology for saying that my Grandfather and Uncle were two of the signatories to the articles of association for Winsford United Football Club Limited when it became a limited company back on the 6th May 1947. I also knew personally a good many of those other signatories and how much this Football Club meant to them. And, of course, they are only a few of the people who have helped and guided Winsford United over our 126 year history. We should never forget that; we are only the latest custodians of the Club, and there are an awful lot of ‘Ghosts’ urging us to make a success of this task, and leave something worthwhile for future generations..


I therefore appeal once again to all supporters and anyone else who has even the slightest passing interest in the future of Winsford United Football Club, to make a donation to the cause. There are no limits, 50p or £1 will be extremely welcome, but within our website we have classified contributors as follows:


Amounts up to £10.                                                             Benefactor.


£11 - £30.                                                                               Friend of Winsford United.


£31 - £99.                                                                               Roll of Honour.


£100 and over.                                                                      Seat Sponsor.


£500 and over.                                                                      Gold Star.


Separate categories are applicable for corporate subscribers, available upon request.


We need support not negativity – please help!!





























































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